Monday, 28 October 2013


Hey, Is she your first girlfriend? Do you feel like you're not good enough for her? Do you want to be the boyfriend she deserves? Then this is the article for you. In order to be a good boyfriend, you just have to be better than all of her exes combined - sometimes it's easy, sometimes it's hard, it depends on who she dated. No matter if you're her first boyfriend or her 25th, follow these tips and you'll do well.

Compliment her. If you like the dress she's wearing or the way she's done her hair, tell her. It'll most likely make her smile.
Don't overdo it. If you tell her you like her dress, then 5 minutes later say you like her hair, then 5 minutes later say you like her shoes, she'll think you're only saying it to keep the conversation going. She may also feel smothered by you.
Don't lie. Only say you like her hair if you actually like her hair. If you secretly think it looks horrible, then don't comment on it.
Be honest. If she asks you for advice on how her hair looks, don't lie. Tell her what you really think. If you don't like it, you can distract her by saying 'It's okay, but it looks nicer when you wear it like this...
Show her you care. Tell her how much she means to you. Tell her how much you love her, how much you care about her, why you fell in love with her, what you love about her, etc.
Tell her you love her, but only if you actually do. If you don't love her yet, wait until you do before you say it.
If she says she loves you before you're ready to say it back, don't lie. Just calmly tell her you're not ready for that yet, and she should understand.
If you see something that reminds you of her, buy it for her and surprise her with it. Spontaneous gifts will keep your relationship fresh, and will make her smile.
Call her by another name. This could be 'baby' or 'sweetie' etc.
Try to stay away from names she may be offended by such as 'sugar bum'.
Tell her that you missed her. When talking to her for the first time in a few days, or seeing her for the first time in a while, say 'I really missed you' or 'I'm glad to see you again' then hug her.
 Flirt with her. Just because she's your girlfriend now doesn't mean you can't flirt anymore.
Be a little dirty. Don't overdo it, because it can be a huge turn-off if you do it wrong. Just add winky faces every now and then, say something that you usually wouldn't. Take a step out of your comfort zone. Text her something like, 'Wear those tight jeans next time you see me ;)'. If she seems offended, don't do it again. Some girls don't like being spoken to like that, some do. You just have to work out what your girl likes.
Look for things in common, and do them together. If you both have pet dogs, walk them together. If you share the same favourite film, watch it together.
Don't ditch her, unless you absolutely have to. If you have to, explain the circumstances to her and rearrange your plans for another day.
Don't cheat.
Don't make her feel embarrassed. Keep her secrets.
Don't insult her friends. Even if you think they're annoying, always pretend that you like them.
Other guys will flirt with your girlfriend, there's no avoiding it. If you're jealous, don't get mad at her about it, tell her calmly how you feel, and she will most likely ask the guy to stop.
Don't let your friends take the mickey out of her.
Don't tell lots of people about your relationship - a relationship is made for two. If everybody knows, they may get in the way.
Its still your girl Zee! xoxo

Sunday, 27 October 2013


Heartbreak hurts, and there's no denying it. Everyone will find a different way to get over it, but we all find being dumped or losing a loved one very hard. Easier for some people, but harder for others.
Don't be embarrassed to cry. You've been hurt - expect the tears to keep coming. There are few people who can get over heartbreak without shedding tears, so let them flow. If you bottle up your feelings, you'll only end up making yourself feel worse later. Let everything loose and don't hold anything back.

Find something to help take your mind off your heartbreak for a while, the feeling will pass with time. Activities you enjoy will help you relax
Talk to your friends and family. That's what they're there for! A good friend you trust will be a good person to talk to. A parent or sibling may also be a good choice.
Focus on moving on. Focus for a while on your career and family. If you help someone else out, you'll feel good, and have a chance to take your mind off the pain. Good times are a great way to help you get over heartbreak. Keep on going with your day and focus on your work.
Keep it in perspective! Think about the positive things in your life, and what you have left. Think about what you can do with your future, and don't let your loss destroy the rest of your life too. Letting the feeling overcome you will lead you down a road that isn't too pleasant.
Rebuild your life. Get engrossed in new things, and try not to look back on the past. The more you move forward, the less it will hurt. Keep yourself occupied, so you don't have time to be upset. Keep moving forward
Talk to a professional. You may need to see a psychologist or other such professional person if your grief is really destroying your life. A professional will care and will know how to help you. They can almost certainly offer further and better advice.
Accept it. You might never quite be happy about the event that caused your heartbreak, and you might always shed a tear thinking about it, but eventually you will find that you can live without it getting in the way. Just remember that every relationship is a learning experience, and every learning experience will positively effect your future. Time heals all wounds, especially in the case of heartbreak.
Don't be driven into drinking, or taking illegal substances by your heartbreak. That way, you'll just end up destroying your own life because of one tragedy, and that's a waste.
You're not to blame! It's very easy to get the idea in your head that either you're entirely to blame or that you had no part in it. Don't kill yourself with guilt and don't entirely detach yourself from the situation. It's unlikely that anyone is really a monster.
Don't push yourself onto people, as they may be forced to listen to you and they may feel that they can't really help.
Don't let heartbreak drive you into doing anything dangerous. Life will go on, and if you are contemplating ending your troubles, it's time to urgently talk to a professional.
Don't let your heartbreak stop you from listening to advice. Although you may not believe it now, your friends and family probably have a bettr view on the matter than you do, because heartbreak makes things look a whole lot worse.
Find ways to keep yourself occupied. Get a new hobby or activity to keep your mind from dwelling on your loss.
 It cannot be stressed enough that sharing the burden makes getting over heartbreak a lot easier. A friend or relative can really be what you need to cheer up.
Try writing it down in a diary. Sometimes writing down what happened can help to put things into perspective.

Hey hope u try it out if need be or tell someone who sure needs help!

   xoxo Zee!


This thing called Love,
Oh how I long to feel it
To someday lose myself in another 
Without fear of being shattered
To breathe the air they breathe
All hearts and Flowers
That feeling of euphoria 

This thing called Love
Oh how scary it looks
Emotions running deep
I just can't handle it
I'll rather not handle it
Afraid to let go, afraid to lose myself
The very thing I also want
Ball of conflicting voices
Though It may seem that I'm better off alone
And I act like I'm as tough as can be
When the sun goes down and the moon comes up
the voices in my head come alive
And sometimes the tears pour down
I long to feel 
To have another hold me, Shield me. Keep me safe and whole 
To love and be loved

Oh this thing called Love
This crazy thing called Love. 

I think i found it!
I Love You!

Sunday, 13 October 2013


Today was unlike any other day,
It was as if the clouds just parted away,
Revealing the warmth of our glorious sun,
Making my day bright and full of fun.

Today was just like everyday,
Maybe its special but what more could I say,
Its dull and glum, All boring and grey,
I wonder what could make it gay.

Today could not be like yesterday,
As it is clearly a different day,
A reset button on yesterday,
A new set of numbers, 24 hours a day.

Today might be like the next day,
Full of mysteries and people we can say hey,
What would it be like if the world ended today,
It could be today, tomorrow or even yesterday.

Today was made especially,
By God Almighty for you and me,
So best foot forward no grumpy ol' face,
And spread the joy and loving grace.

Happy Sunday Beautiful people

xoxo zee!

Friday, 11 October 2013

Life Of A Law Student

In secondary school before starting my university days, I was lucky enough to do quite a bit of traveling. One thing I was looking forward to in my travels was getting to use my law lens. I try to travel as much as I can and this was the first time I was doing so after secondary school. I was curious as to whether the effects of studying law on how I perceive things would persist even when my mind was ‘on vacation’ during traveling. Of course, I couldn’t be sure beforehand because after all the law is jurisdictional, right? (My sense of humour may still be on vacation). In the spirit of legal reasoning, I will state the conclusion now so you don’t have to read the rest of the decision if you so choose: the effects of legal training do in fact cross borders.
I was struck by how I still saw legal issues everywhere, regardless of what country or continent I was in, and by how frequently I was reminded of something specific I had learned in law school. One instance occurred in a bout of jetlag that left me unable to sleep at what was 2 am and who knows what time/space continuum point for my circadian rhythm. I was listening to a radio show on my phone when one character happened to use the phrase ‘the most astute of you or the least un-astute’. Instead of laughing at the punch-line which followed, I immediately thought of how Chief Justice McLachlin had an issue with rephrasing the Smithers test from ‘not insignificant’ to ‘significant’. I recalled her discussion of how there is an important distinction between the phrase ‘I like him’, and ‘I don’t dislike him’, which I’m sure has been the subject of many an awkward Valentine’s day card. It’s safe to say the average listener probably didn’t have this reflexive response to what was a perfectly normal joke.
In the streets I would see signs which had both English and another language on them and automatically think, ‘Are they both constitutionally required to be there? I wonder if there is a leading case on this…Did someone litigate over how small the font of one language was? Is it up to the national government or the municipal government? Is the municipal government a creature of statute or does it have separate constitutional standing? Is that Guinness mug for sale?’ All these substantive legal questions trailed in my mind in one way or another during my trip.
I think the effects of legal training on the mind are similar regardless of the jurisdiction in which you study.
I was privileged to converse with my good buddy Merife Uche who is currently in law school Abuja,  we were chatting about law in general and our respective fields, and he said something that really intrigued me. He told me about a good friend of his who had just started her legal career in litigation. He said he was so impressed with the way she saw real world problems and came up with a strategy for solving them and carried through in a very efficient manner. He had noticed her tendency for the organized anticipation of issues which helped her navigate the world around her. ‘She goes from court to court and case to case all over, and she is so confident.’ It was reassuring to think the mental discipline, focus and confidence that we strive to build while students of the law will shape our characters in lasting ways. So, while it may be strange for BBC radio shows and street signs to trigger thoughts of SCC decisions, it is but a by-product of a far greater training our minds are undergoing.


 Peoples Opinion About Life Of A Law Student.

I was privileged to talk to few people about it n here's their response.

For ms Ikerionwu Cynthia who said its very difficult, its neither exciting nor rosy but at the same time ver argumentative because you have to be able to always prove your point.

For Stephen Orji he said its different for him, its fun, stressful n study-full. he said and i quote ''the fear of not going to law school with your  mates is the beginning of wisdom'' lol.

For ms Stephenie Efemena life of a law student has been exciting and sweet for her...and that it has taught her a lot.

For ms Nwoke Chibuzor its been academically challenging, socially terrifying...u have to talk to so many people so you don't get to be tagged a snob, and also wear good handbags and shoes so as not to be a social pariah.

For iamFreeman Igwe "i never really thought about this untill zinny asked me to write my opinion about it. Honestly  i never really wanted to be a law student but finally here am i and truthfully i started enjoying it in my first year, although it can get crazy with the cases and law reports but i have no regrets"

well  i could go on and on with the issue but hey the comment box is open for all who has got other opinion which they want to share

xoxo zee!

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Tall girl problems!! Life as a 6ft 1 girl

I dunno why this topic came up today. No actually I do and it has a lot to do with the fact that I'm tired of random people walking up to me to ask if I play basketball and then go on to lecture me on how I should try it out. Happened this evening again and it inspired me to do a post on some of the problems(10 to be precise)I face being an amazon woman. Hehe

1. Taller than every guy. 
Me when i meet a hot guy thats shorter than me 
And I put this one at the top of my list because its the most annoying!E.g when a friend says she wants to introduce you to someone
Normal height girl: Is he cute/rich ? Me: is he tall? :|  I mean I want someone who can lift me up *did I hear someone say goodluck with that?* and who I don't have to worry about being taller than when I wear heels . 

2.  Speaking of Heels!: 
The other day some dude was telling me zee you shouldn't wear heels that even tiny ones are not allowed, i should do strict flat.I was all ready to tell him to mind his own business and I will wear sky scrapers on my feet and its nobodys business. If he feels insecure he should get on a ladder.

3. Not finding shoes in my size :

4.The curse of the big feet. All the cute shoes are in smaller size. its always so difficult to get cute shoes my size. Whyyyyyy????

5. Having to always reduce my steps when walking with people with shorter legs. No, I'm not walking too fast, I just have longer strides and a faster pace.

6: Obstructing People: 

Nothing pisses me off more than wen my classmates say "zee go to the back, let the short ones come forward. Oh?? Who said you should be short? I'm sorry I can't cut myself, Change your seat. No I'm not mean all the time but the way they say it like the front is their birth right for being short. Swerve please

7. Sitting all scrunched up in a car because my legs are too long for the tiny space. :( 

8. Taller than the mirror ; Always having to bend to see my outfit in full.

9.Always noticeable! ; This can be a good thing but not always. Sometimes i just want to walk in unnoticed e.g I can never sneak into class or ward rounds late! They allwwaayysyssss notice me!Always! and because of that I'm an easy target

10. Is your best food beans?  Arggh. I'm real tired of this one. I actually have this new found love for beans but guys chillllll! Beans didn't make me tall .I happen to have tall parents

That said, I just want to put this out that I honestly love my height. I love the attention I get when I walk into a room, I love my long legs, and i especially love being a model thanks to my height and figure

Fellow tall girls, anything you want to get off your chest. please feel free to use the comment box :D you are 5'8- 9. Please you are not allowed to seat at the tall girls table. We talking 6ft and above here you know? 
Jokes! My comment box is for everyone , i love all yall equally ;)

"You're only as tall as your heart will let you be and only as small as you make yourself seem."
Onyeagba Ezinne