Monday, 28 October 2013


Hey, Is she your first girlfriend? Do you feel like you're not good enough for her? Do you want to be the boyfriend she deserves? Then this is the article for you. In order to be a good boyfriend, you just have to be better than all of her exes combined - sometimes it's easy, sometimes it's hard, it depends on who she dated. No matter if you're her first boyfriend or her 25th, follow these tips and you'll do well.

Compliment her. If you like the dress she's wearing or the way she's done her hair, tell her. It'll most likely make her smile.
Don't overdo it. If you tell her you like her dress, then 5 minutes later say you like her hair, then 5 minutes later say you like her shoes, she'll think you're only saying it to keep the conversation going. She may also feel smothered by you.
Don't lie. Only say you like her hair if you actually like her hair. If you secretly think it looks horrible, then don't comment on it.
Be honest. If she asks you for advice on how her hair looks, don't lie. Tell her what you really think. If you don't like it, you can distract her by saying 'It's okay, but it looks nicer when you wear it like this...
Show her you care. Tell her how much she means to you. Tell her how much you love her, how much you care about her, why you fell in love with her, what you love about her, etc.
Tell her you love her, but only if you actually do. If you don't love her yet, wait until you do before you say it.
If she says she loves you before you're ready to say it back, don't lie. Just calmly tell her you're not ready for that yet, and she should understand.
If you see something that reminds you of her, buy it for her and surprise her with it. Spontaneous gifts will keep your relationship fresh, and will make her smile.
Call her by another name. This could be 'baby' or 'sweetie' etc.
Try to stay away from names she may be offended by such as 'sugar bum'.
Tell her that you missed her. When talking to her for the first time in a few days, or seeing her for the first time in a while, say 'I really missed you' or 'I'm glad to see you again' then hug her.
 Flirt with her. Just because she's your girlfriend now doesn't mean you can't flirt anymore.
Be a little dirty. Don't overdo it, because it can be a huge turn-off if you do it wrong. Just add winky faces every now and then, say something that you usually wouldn't. Take a step out of your comfort zone. Text her something like, 'Wear those tight jeans next time you see me ;)'. If she seems offended, don't do it again. Some girls don't like being spoken to like that, some do. You just have to work out what your girl likes.
Look for things in common, and do them together. If you both have pet dogs, walk them together. If you share the same favourite film, watch it together.
Don't ditch her, unless you absolutely have to. If you have to, explain the circumstances to her and rearrange your plans for another day.
Don't cheat.
Don't make her feel embarrassed. Keep her secrets.
Don't insult her friends. Even if you think they're annoying, always pretend that you like them.
Other guys will flirt with your girlfriend, there's no avoiding it. If you're jealous, don't get mad at her about it, tell her calmly how you feel, and she will most likely ask the guy to stop.
Don't let your friends take the mickey out of her.
Don't tell lots of people about your relationship - a relationship is made for two. If everybody knows, they may get in the way.
Its still your girl Zee! xoxo

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